Scoliosis Screening Services
Scoliosis is an abnormal lateral curvature of the spine. The extent of it is highly variable, so its presence is by no means of great concern if it is mild. If it is more pronounced, however, and/or is present in a child, it needs to be addressed.

A simple physical exam can be performed to determine if a such a curve is present. In cases where at least a moderate curve is apparent upon exam, x-ray is needed, however, to determine its extent and obtain a prognosis and treatment plan. Scoliosis left untreated and without rehabilitation, will hasten degeneration later in life and affect one’s activities of daily living.
The younger a person is when a curve is found, the more likely it is to progress. It is important for children, in particular, to be assessed because much can be done with conservative treatment to prevent progression and hopefully, prevent the need for surgical intervention. If you have a suspicion of a scoliosis in yourself or loved-one don’t hesitate to call for a consultation.